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What is An NIE Number and How do i get one?

How do I know if I need it?

An N.I.E number is issued by the Spanish authorities to identify foreigners (Numero Identificacion de Extranjeros). This is needed as an identification for various kinds of authoritative purposes:

  • Making transfers or paying bills via your Spanish Bank account.
  • Purchase a property in Spain.
  • Granting of a loan or Mortgage in Spain.
  • Purchasing a Car.
  • Working as an employee or self-employed person.
  • Water / Electric / Telephone Contracts
  • Inherit assets

It will be requested when:

  • Opening a Spanish bank account which initially can be done using a passport
  • Buying a property in Spain
  • Granting of a Mortgage
  • Use of a transaction that involves an invoice in your name
  • Paying Taxes such as Non Resident Taxes / Property Tax or IBI.

Please note that the NIE Certificate does not show or prove whether you are Spanish tax resident or non-Tax Resident in Spain. It is only a number that identifies you as an individual in front of National, regional or local Spanish Inland Revenue.

There are a number of methods that you can obtain your Nie Certificate.

  • Going to Spanish Embassy in your home country.
  • Personally
  • Through your Legal Representative/ Accountant / Abogados or Lawyer in Spain.

Please note that certain supporting paperwork may be requested. This can be a Rental / Offer to Purchase or Work Contract as examples.

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Via a Spanish Embassy

If you go to the Spanish Embassy in your home country, then you may be asked for proof of why you require an NIE. For example in London at the Spanish Consulate:


To apply for a NIE or a certificate of non-residence through this Consulate General, please come in person with the following documents (no appointment needed):

  1. Valid passport and a photocopy of the photo/passport details page.
  2. Two EX-15 application forms.
    The form can be completed online or typewritten. Handwritten forms should be completed clearly using BLOCK CAPITALS and black ink.
    The forms must be signed at the Consulate.
  3. NON EU citizens with UK residency must also provide a copy of the residence permit in the UK.
  4. Two Model 790 payment forms.

FEE - CASH ONLY. Fee may vary due to €/£ conversion rate.

  • NIE: £17.50       

Departamento de Legalizaciones
Tel: +44 20 7594 4921  |  Fax: +44 20 7581 7888
Email: cog.londres.leg@maec.es

Consulado General de España / Spanish Consulate General
20 Draycott Place,
London SW3 2RZ


Between 09:30 and 13:00 Monday to Friday. Appointment is necessary

In Person

If you wish to do it in Person in Spain, you need to go to the nearest police station with a foreigners’ department so they can verify your passport ID. You will be asked for proof of why you require an NIE.

If you do it via a 3rd party such as a Lawyer, then they will issue a power of attorney in Spanish and English with the faculties to obtain and collect the number. Once the power of attorney is signed passport legalised, they will prepare all the necessary application forms, settle the corresponding stamp duty tax at a Spanish bank and attend to the local police office and apply for the NIE number certification. After one or two weeks the NIE number certification will be available so that you may proceed to purchase a house in Spain, open a bank account, buy a vehicle in Spain ect.

The following documents are required:

  • An filled-in application form known as the Solicitud de Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) y Certificados.
    Note: Do not sign the completed application form until in the presence of an official
  • Receipt for payment of the fee, stamped by the bank. Doing this before the application can save time and an extra visit to the police station.
  • Identity card or original passport and photocopy
  • Two passport photographs
  • Proof of current address in Spain

An EU-citizen applying for their Registration Certificate (certificado de registro) will be issued an NIE number at the same time, as the two application processes are combined.

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